OK...let me stop lying...I am obsessed with ALL holidays...but I do love Christmas the most.
Because I have been browsing the net and planning our family photo session for our Christmas Card, I have kinda gotten in the Christmas spirit early this year.
I recently jotted down a list of things I wanted this year. By the time I was done, I noticed that my list was comprised of things for the house, Makenzie, my husband....nothing really for...ME.
Well I thought about it this weekend and here are 3 things, solely for my enjoyment (yeah right), that I would love to see under our tree this Christmas.
Disclaimer: One thing I have learned about being married is that you have to make things plain & specific for your husband

Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xs Black 10.1 MP Digital SLR With 18-55-IS lens and 2.5" LCD
A new Camera is a must have. I'm not talking any old digital camera. I want a fancy, shmacny one. One that will take phenomenal pictures of our family for us to keep and cherish.A new Camcorder. The one we have is Ancient. Don't believe me? You still have to use a tape to record on it. It also doesn't have a USB Port. Told Ya!
I want this for the same reasons as I want a new Camera. I want Makenzie to be able to hear her voice as a baby when she gets older and see her self crawling around. (I also REALLY want to embarrass her at her graduations and her Engagement Party!)
A Gift Certificate to Spa Sydell for a Sydell Facial and/or a Swedish Massage. I don't think I really need to explain this one. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved Spa Sydell and have been a loyal customer.
A certain husband someone who shall remain nameless (HA!) tried to make me try a new spa once and while I was thankful for his gesture, I am ashamed to say...I hated it! The technician talked the whole time about her children and life...I mean really I came to relax not leave more stressed out about your misbehaving children! Needless to say, that experience reaffirmed the fact that Spa Sydell is the haven for me.
That's It!
Besides asking for a tree that grows money and the winning lotto numbers, I'm all out of ideas!
Sad hunh?
The Mrs.
Love your blog. Thanks for following me! I love your wish list. I want two items on your list with the camera being my most wanted gift this year!! I'm torn between this Canon or the Sony.
I could always use a great spa treat.
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