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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Makenzie--5 Months Old

My sweet baby is 5 months old today!

I simply can not believe how fast time is flying!

Makenzie is a pure joy to have around us and I thank God constantly for blessing us with her and trusting us to care for and raise His child.

I am just in awe that God trusts us and loves us so much to give us her as a child. She is so funny and her personality is becoming more and more apparent. Her Daddy and I just laugh and laugh at her sometimes. She has our family smitten too. I've had a few people tell me…"There is just something about her!" Even without their comments, we know we have a precious jewel.

She is a local celebrity too. Every time we are out with her we get stopped by at least 2 people who dote on how cute she is. I have actually begun to boycott bringing her with me for a quick run to the store now since a 5 minute run for milk turns into an hour long trip because so many people stop us to play and talk to her.

18lbs 26 inches long (90+ percentile in all categories)
Wears size 3-6 months
Size 2 Diaper
Size 1 Shoe

Here is more of what Miss Mak aka MakDeezy (lol) has been up to:

*She sits propped up and will fight you to sit up if you try to lay her back.

*We have a talker strong babbler on our hands! Her Daddy SWEARS she has said DADA already. (If she does say Dada first, it may be because he spends all day and night in her face repeating DADA, DADA over and over again. (I am am not bitter.) She will also mimic sounds you make and sometimes faces.

*Sometimes in the morning when she wakes up she talks…LOUDLY!

*Also when she wakes up, she stretches just like an adult as if she had the BEST. SLEEP. EVER. I can't wait to record it. It is the cutest thing and one of my favorite things to look forward to seeing in the mornings.

*She knows her bottle now. Sometimes if she is in the midst of crying, I'll wave the bottle in front of her face and the crying will cease and she will squirm in excitement.

*When she gets excited, she will kick and wave her arms like crazy. It's so cute.

*She LOVES her Daddy. It is VERY apparent that she will be a Daddy's girl. Her eyes will follow him all over the room. If she hears his voice, she looks for him and she will even stop laughing and giggling with me to look and laugh at him when he enters the room.

*She has begun to reach for what she wants. She has fallen in love with a pink elephant that she has and will bite and cuddle it when you put it in front of her. I've named the elephant Sophie.

*She holds her bottle. Ok Ok…She can't hold it up on her own but she places her hands on the sides of it when she drinks.

*We have been sliding into solid foods slowly. I think we may wait closer to 6 months to actually begin fruits and veggies. For the time being we are practicing with rice cereal.

*She got her hair styled for the first time. Her Aunt did it and she looks so cute. (pics coming)

*She loves bath time. She will splash and kick and play in her tub.

*While she loves bath time, she HATES getting her hair washed. As soon as the water hits her hair, she has a fit!

*When she gets sleepy, she rubs her eyes. While she is dosing off, she reaches up and plays in her hair. She also does this while drinking a bottle sometimes.

*She can put her self to sleep on her own! Daddy starting practicing this with her by putting her down when she was half sleep. Now all we have to do is see her signs that she is sleepy, lay her down and she will go off to sleep on her own.

*We have made it past the dreaded "Witching Hour" phase!!! We are now in the "Golden Age" of Babyhood! She is now in a good mood ALL day and we no longer dread the evening time.

*SHE HUGS ME! She will rest her head on my shoulder, wrap her arm around my neck and squeeze. I don't know if she realizes what she is doing but who cares! I almost cried when she first did it!

*She can finally hold the pacifier in her mouth on her own!

*She has also gotten used to riding in her car seat. She looks out the window, plays with her toys, babbles and actually seems to enjoy the ride now.

*She still sleeps through the night!  She has been sleeping through the night since she was 8 weeks old!  The day before I had to return to work was her first night sleeping through the night and she has done it ever since.  (Told Ya'll she was a sweetie pie!)

All while I was pregnant I prayed for God to give us an easy baby and for the most part, she has been.  Even the tough times aren't so tough when I hear stories from other parents dealing with the same things we dealt with. 

I'm just glad she's here. 

Our world has not been the same since she's gotten better! 

The Mrs.


Anonymous said...

Yaay for MakDeezy! She's now at the truly fun stage! Get ready to have a blast!

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