This Friday and hopefully a lot more Friday's to come I'll be participating in "Your 3 Words", a weekly blog hop started by Jenni over at Jenni From The Blog.
Our Halloween Decision
The choice about whether to celebrate Halloween or not has always been a pretty easy decision for my Husband & I.
We Don't.
We choose to partake in Fall Festival's or other celebrations not centered around ghosts, goblins, demons and tricks etc.
Now just because we don't celebrate, we don't look down on anyone who chooses to get dressed up and go trick-o-treating, we just don't partake in the festivities ourselves.
The main reason we don't celebrate is that we feel like the day glorifies the things that our faith is opposed to.
Now while I don't proclaim to be perfect...I mean really, I'm faaar from it, the decision to skip Halloween was an easy one for us to make.
Until we had a child.
You see for a few years as kids, My husband and I (me more so than him) both got dressed up and went door to door getting candy and enjoying the fun of the day. I even remember getting dressed up at school and showing off what costume I came up with. I even remember one year my mom didn't want to be go out but she allowed me to pass out candy to other little trick-o-treaters.
We meant no harm or foul by partaking in the activities of Halloween and honestly, part of me always battles with letting her celebrate for a year or two when she begins school.
I do admit, I feel a little bit bad sometimes that my daughter won't get to experience that fun but she will still have fun during that time. I guarantee it!
Instead of trick or treating or passing out candy, we attend the activities our church puts on every year for the kids. They get to bob for apples, get their faces painted, roast marshmallows, play games, and just had a good time doing other activities. We attended a few of these festivals as children (once our parents made the decision that we should not celebrate Halloween anymore) and we both remember them being a lot of fun as well.
To us, it still provides a fun alternative for Makenzie to have a great time during this time of year and I think if we explain to her why her family doesn't celebrate Halloween, she will understand. (My Husband & I did and to be honest, it wasn't a big deal to either of us. Hopefully she will feel the same.)
I have even thought about starting a family tradition of taking her on hay rides and to pumpkin patches to really give a nice feel of the fun of autumn.
Either way, we as parents will ensure our daughter and future child(ren) will have a ball during the fall season with out having to celebrate Halloween.
Wish us luck!! :)
Have a great weekend guys!!!
The Mrs.