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Friday, November 19, 2010

Y3W: My Guilty Pleasures

I have a confession to make.

I'm embarrassed to say that I can not go without some these things.

Scroll down and don't judge me.

Teen Mom
As a mother and step mother to 2 daughters, I should HATE this show right?  Wrong.  I'm feel so wrong for watching show and liking it but I .Just. Can't. Stop. Please don't call DFACS.

Real Housewives of Atlanta
Being an African -American woman living in Atlanta, at first I hated what this show represented and how it depicted black women and Atlanta.  Then it got good and I threw all that BS out the window.  Clearly these ladies do not speak for or represent me or any other black woman in Atlanta or the world. I'm sad to say, I watch this almost religiously and laugh uncontrollably at the tomfoolery.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
No explanation needed.  I'm sure you watch them too.

This is my all time favorite show!!!  I have all the seasons on DVD and watch the shows over and over and over again.  I am praying daily for a movie or reunion show or something!  Is it bad to secretly hope that every person who was involved with this show (writers, actors, camera men, stylists, stage crew etc.)careers crumble so bad that they will have no choice but to bring this show back forever to support their families???  I need Regina Philange back in my life!!!! (If you aren't a fan you wont get that.)

Family Feud
The families on this show are so hilarious at times!  Hubby and I actually get mad then laugh like crazy watching them.  They say some of the DUMBEST things.  This is our weeknight dinner time TV show.

The Game
I became so invested in this show and I don't know why.  All I know is that come 1.11.2011, it's coming back and I'm thrilled!

Uno Attack
This game is so fun!  I am crazy competitive and I can sit and play this for hours!  Great new twist on a classic!

Scrabble Slam Card Game
This is another game I recently discovered that I would play every day if I could. 

Nuff Said....

Notice how they are almost all TV Shows??  I seriously have a problem here.  I am currently using about 80%  90% of our DVR Storage space.  I even delete hubby's shows to keep my own.  It's that bad!

What are your guilty pleasures?

The Mrs.


Becki said...

Hopping over from Jenni's blog. I love the creativity of this post. I gotta admit I share some of those as well. Those card games look like a ton of fun, might have to add them to my Christmas wish list.

jenni from the blog said...

Awesome post! Ya know, I've never really need in tot he Real Housewives series but I was home sick one day recently with nothing to watch so I started watching RH of BH on demand and I can't quit.

Oh, and Bachelor/ette always gets me as well :)

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