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Monday, November 8, 2010

Life's Juggling Act

As I  become even more acclimated to being a working mother, time and time again, I find myself thinking...WHERE DOES ALL THE TIME GO?!

I have been very busy these last few weeks. 

You see I wear a lot of hats...

Child of God
Daughter In Law
Sister- In Law
Grand Daughter
Organization Member

And with those hats comes a set of responsibilities I take very seriously.  The juggling act of wearing each hat perfectly is a task that at times seems daunting, and I will admit, tiresome at times. 

Even now, I am thinking about adding more hats to this list in the near future.

While I love and cherish each hat I wear, I do admit that sometimes I wear one hat longer than another and other times I forget to wear a few hats altogether. Neglecting to wear some hats hurts me the most because I in no way want to make those I love and have made commitments to feel less important or not important at all

In the past, I have been good at juggling a ton of activities and I thrived on being busy and needed.  While I still love to be needed, I am realizing more and more how important it is for me to take the time to simply wear no hat at all.My Husband always encourages me to take some time for myself to things that will relax me (outside of surfing the net) but as great as that sounds, I feel selfish for even thinking of spending a few hours and $$ on myself when I know there are needs that need to be met under those hats.  Even when I browse the Internet, I'm looking at articles and forums that would make me a better wife, mother etc. 

Although the balancing act is hard at times, I know how worth it will be for me and my commitments.

It's hard but I will make it work simply because I love my life and all that God has blessed me with.  I want to be a good steward over all He has given me and all the hats He has blessed me to wear.

Here's to my balancing act...

Time to kick it into overdrive.

God will make sure the wheels don't fall off.

The Mrs.


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