Contact The Mrs.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What's For Dinner?

I like to cook and for the most part, I think I'm pretty good at it.

I will admit however that my Husband has eaten his fare share of tough steak and burnt potatoes.

My challenge now is finding the time to cook and finding new recipes.  You see right now, I find myself in a cooking slump.  I have begun to cook the same things over and over and while my Husband isn't complaining, I feel our taste buds need more variety.

One site I love to visit for ideas is The Givens Chronicles.  I met Mrs. G aka JoVonn at a GTG for a wonderful website we both frequent, She is just as sweet as she comes across in her blog.  I have always pledged to try more and more of her delicious recipes, and although I have printed off a TON of her recipes and have them organized in a binder, I haven't taken the time to actually try more of them until now.

With the new baby and returning to work, it's easier to go with what you know when it comes to cooking a meal, but I want to will  get out of this rut and try more new recipes. 

When I try new recipes, from JoVonn's blog and other sites, I'll post pictures of how they turned out and how my family liked them. 

Hopefully this is the start of new, tasty dinners...and I'm sure expanding waste lines. 

Now if I could just make myself work out...ah well...

The Mrs.


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