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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Do I Even Try?

We get our beautiful daughter fun, colorful toys.  Toys that light up and make all kinds of noise that Hubby & I tolerate for her.  

Toys that sing and talk.  


In English and Spanish. 

Day and Night.  Even if you turn them off.  

(No I'm not annoyed : ) )

Well Makenzie seems to prefer the simple things in life right now.

"What do you mean" you might ask?

Instead of preferring the fabulous toys we pick out.  She prefers the fantastic boxes they come in and the paper they are wrapped in.

Don't believe she can be that unreasonable????

Take a look below at the incident that occurred a few days after Christmas last year.  

My feelings are hurt.

In the beginning, she showed so much interest in the toy.

Then slowly but surely, she moved away to something more interesting...

That durn box!!!

Even though she turns her nose up at some of the toys I pick.  I still can't help but love her!

I think she knows what she is doing.  She knows that if she doesn't like one toy, Momma will go out and find a bigger and better toy.  She is working on getting a baby Bentley for her 1st birthday.

She may even know I'm crazy enough to try to find one for her.  :)

The Whipped Mrs.


G K said...

What I noticed with my little one is that sometimes she didn't know exactly what to make of a toy (especially at that age). Yeah, the colors were pretty and there were lights and sounds and all these features we as parents know the toy does, but the tiny ones have no clue.

So all I would do to get my daughter interested is start playing with the toy myself like it's the best thing in the world. Not even TEACHING it to her, but playing it like it's MY new toy. Once she sees what all it does and how much fun you're having, it will become her new favorite.

By the way, my daughter had that LeapFrog table and loved it for a long time. Your daughter will, too.

Unknown said...

My daughter does the exact same thing! We got her the fisher price table and she prefers the laundry basket which we now call her office. Sometimes I just want to give up to but I always manage to be so broke shortly after payday :(

Southern Mrs. said...

@Gerri: You are right. I have tried that before and she does seem to take ore interest in the things that I have.

@kyario0919: I know the feeling! That is hilarious that she loves the laundry basket!

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