Contact The Mrs.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You Know You're a Mom When...

1.  You go through your purse or coat pockets and find pacifiers, bibs, etc.

2.  You get to work and notice a milk stain on your shoulder that wasn't there when you put the shirt on.

3.   People stop asking how you are doing and ask how the little person who lives with you is.

4.  You give/understand age in terms of months and weeks instead of years.

5.  You get to work and notice you have have a pacifier clipped to you shirt.

6.  Your diet includes sampling baby food before you let the little person who lives in your house try it.
7.  When you try and have date night and realize you have no clue what movies are out.  Bonus:  If you have never even heard of the movies that are playing.

8.  If you find yourself watching shows like Chuggington, The Backyardigans, Good Luck Charlie, Olivia, Little Bill etc. and getting excited talking to other adults about how good the shows are.
All of the above are things I heard...I don't actually do them.  

You believe me right?


The Mrs.


K. Rock said...

I dont have babies anymore but I can relate. Right now I have 2 pullups in my work bag that have no need to be in there.

G K said...

I've gone through/done every single thing you've listed here! Ha!

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