Contact The Mrs.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Just Because Flowers from Hubby!!!

The Mrs.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mommy Brain Strikes Again

Last weekend, I found Makenzie this adorable outfit to wear on St. Patrick's Day.

Her 1st St. Patty's Day!  YAAAY!

I was so excited for her to wear it.

Well today is the day!

.....and what did Mommy forget to do?


That's right!  She is sitting at Hubby's Aunts house in a PINK shirt and pair of PINK pants.

I realized it about 4 miles from home but by that time, I couldn't turn around or I'd be late for work.

*hangs head in shame*

I'll dress her up in it when she gets home.  Maybe the 3 of us can go to the park and play so she can at least get the dress dirty.  (And I can sneak in some pictures to show my mom who asked me about the dress this morning)

I have to do better!  Or at least remember the holidays where I've purchased her matching outfits.

The Mrs.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Cause I Can!

I'm posting from my HTC!

Can I just say...this new phone is great!

Wanna see what I'm doing right now?

Working hard for the money...well not right now but I'll get back to work...eventually.....:)

The Mrs.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Do I Even Try?

We get our beautiful daughter fun, colorful toys.  Toys that light up and make all kinds of noise that Hubby & I tolerate for her.  

Toys that sing and talk.  


In English and Spanish. 

Day and Night.  Even if you turn them off.  

(No I'm not annoyed : ) )

Well Makenzie seems to prefer the simple things in life right now.

"What do you mean" you might ask?

Instead of preferring the fabulous toys we pick out.  She prefers the fantastic boxes they come in and the paper they are wrapped in.

Don't believe she can be that unreasonable????

Take a look below at the incident that occurred a few days after Christmas last year.  

My feelings are hurt.

In the beginning, she showed so much interest in the toy.

Then slowly but surely, she moved away to something more interesting...

That durn box!!!

Even though she turns her nose up at some of the toys I pick.  I still can't help but love her!

I think she knows what she is doing.  She knows that if she doesn't like one toy, Momma will go out and find a bigger and better toy.  She is working on getting a baby Bentley for her 1st birthday.

She may even know I'm crazy enough to try to find one for her.  :)

The Whipped Mrs.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm a Traitor!!!!!

Momma's got a new toy!  Yes sir!

I have been a loyal Blackberry user for YEARS!  

I mean really..I've had this one...

and this one...

and this one...

and lastly this one...

Recently, Hubby and I switched carriers because well....T-Mobile just flat out sucks.

We went to AT &T first because I just HAD to have the iPhone 4.  I got and well.....

I left it.  I think there was waaaay too much hype about it honestly. 

Hubby on the other hand tried the HTC Inspire and loved it.  I began playing with his and well...


We decided to shop around more and give Sprint a try since the service AT&T has is barely any better than T-Mobile's coverage.

I must say...WE LOVE SPRINT!  LOVE. THEM. Coverage is great so far, customer service is great and the features we get for the price are wonderful!  Hubby and I are totally smitten.

We now have these babies....


I am sad to say that I may never return to the world of blackberry.  These apps have me sold.  The only complaint I have about this phone is that the battery life sucks!  Hopefully a lithium battery will fix this issue.   While the battery life is less than stellar, it's not a deal breaker for us.

Once more thing I love about this phone is that there is a free blogger app so I can post from my phone!

This means you will be hearing from me muuuch more!  I hope you are smiling!! :)

If ever one day I miss my blackberry...I'm sure there will be an app I can download on my HTC that will take care of that emotion. LOL

The Mrs.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Top 10 Mommy Must Haves

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I read almost every article I could find that would give me insight on what to buy and how to do things.  

Some things I purchased were life savers.

Others, not so much.

I compiled a list of the top items that have made my life much easier as a Mom.


1. Boppy-  This thing was wonderful!

2. Summer Infant Deluxe Day & Night Video Baby Monitor Saved us un-needed trips to Makenzie's room to check on her.


3. The Ultimate Crib Sheet- Those mattresses are made to fit the crib TIGHT. It was such a pain getting that crib sheet off when DD had an accident. The Ultimate Crib Sheet saved my sanity! 


4. Homedics SoundSpa Lullaby Sound Machine aka The Baby Crack Machine- DD would not go to sleep without it! She is almost 9 months old and I still use it!  


5. Wipe Warmer- I was against this when I was pregnant, but once DD felt that cold wipe for the first time, she made sure I knew, she wasn't having it. Now that she is older it doesn't bother her anymore but back then, she would have had my head had I touched her with a cold wipe. (Rubbing the wipe between my hands to heat it didn't work either)


6. Dorm-Size Fridge- I know most people won't do this but it worked well for us. We used to keep it in our room with fruit and water in case we got hungry or thirsty during the night. Once DD was born and sleeping in our room, we started storing my pumped milk in it.(Ours also had a nice size freezer in it) Once she started sleeping in the crib in her room, we moved it in her room too. This saved us from having to run downstairs in the middle of the night to feed her. Now that she is older, it's still in her room and I keep her food, juice and pre-made bottles in there.


7. Glider & Ottoman- I love our Glider. I have fallen asleep in it numerous times. This was money well spent. 


8. Baby Delight Snuggle Nest- DD had a time where she wouldn't sleep in the crib or the bassinet. She would only sleep next to DH or myself. I was so afraid of rolling over on her and suffocating her that we got one of these bad boys. This thing was great! Although we only used it for a few weeks, It was well worth the money. DD slept much better and so did we. It has a hard shell around it that protect and stop you from touching him/her in case you roll during sleep. Although the picture doesn't show it, ours came with a sleep positioner. This kept DD from rolling around inside of it. 


9. Skip Hop Diaper Bag- This bag has so much room! All the pockets and zippers give you ample room to keep things organized. Another feature I like is its ability to hang easily off a stroller because of it's built in inner straps. This makes it easy to get what I need without having to bend down and fish for the bag out of the stroller basket.


10. Munchkin Powdered Formula Dispenser- Once I had to bring formula into the mix, this helped so much when traveling. I still use it to this day. Simply fill each section with enough powder to make one bottle and go. Don't forget the water though!! This had made traveling and being out f the house much easier!

The Mrs.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You Know You're a Mom When...

1.  You go through your purse or coat pockets and find pacifiers, bibs, etc.

2.  You get to work and notice a milk stain on your shoulder that wasn't there when you put the shirt on.

3.   People stop asking how you are doing and ask how the little person who lives with you is.

4.  You give/understand age in terms of months and weeks instead of years.

5.  You get to work and notice you have have a pacifier clipped to you shirt.

6.  Your diet includes sampling baby food before you let the little person who lives in your house try it.
7.  When you try and have date night and realize you have no clue what movies are out.  Bonus:  If you have never even heard of the movies that are playing.

8.  If you find yourself watching shows like Chuggington, The Backyardigans, Good Luck Charlie, Olivia, Little Bill etc. and getting excited talking to other adults about how good the shows are.
All of the above are things I heard...I don't actually do them.  

You believe me right?


The Mrs.