Contact The Mrs.

Monday, December 27, 2010


I know, I know. 

I've been missing in action.......

I have a GREAT reason though....

Wait for it.....

I've been BUSY!!  CRAZY BUSY!!!

Yeah I know it's a sucky excuse but its the only one I have. 

I promise to be back to posting soon!

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

The Mrs.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Wednesday

Our Exit

We walked out of our Reception to Etta James singing, “At Last”.
 *No Etta Wasn't really at our wedding but it's nice to dream isn't it?*

Our guests blew bubbles at us as we made our way to our getaway vehicle, a White Rolls Royce.

We took a few more pictures and we were off to our Hotel suite and to begin our lives as Husband and Wife.

Happy Wednesday!!!

The Mrs.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Heavy Heart

I got to work this morning and heard the sad news that Elizabeth Edwards cancer has spread to her liver and she may only have a few more weeks to live.

I don't know why, but I became so interested in her and her life story over the past 3-4 years.  
Elizabeth and her family are in my prayers during this time.

The Mrs.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Recap!

Hi Guys! 

I hope your weekend great.  Ours was!

The Hawks game was a lot of fun.  Makenzie was so mesmerized by all the lights and sounds of the arena.  I can't wait to bring her back.  Just in case you didn't know...THE HAWKS WON!  They came back from a 15 point deficit  to win the game...sorry Philly!   

Remember I promised you a picture from the game.  Well...Momma forgot the camera! (Blame Mommy Brain!)  So this is a picture one of our good friends took with his camera phone.

Daddy, Look at all the lights!!!!!!

Saturday Makenzie and I spent ALL DAY at the Mall doing some much needed shopping with my Mom.  We literally were there all day! We got there at 11am and when my Mom and Makenzie left at 4pm,  (she kept her Saturday night for us) I stayed until 6:30pm.  Needless to say I was TIRED!  Hubby took me out to eat to our favorite Hibachi Restaurant, Nikko's, near our home and as soon as we got back home...I went to sleep.  

Sunday we sat at my parents home and cheered the Atlanta Falcons on to victory!!  10-2 BABY!!! 
I LOVE MY FALCONS!!  (I am a Falcons fanatic...Does it show??)

This upcoming week will be a short week for my Husband & I.  We are head to the Cabins of North Georgia with a few of our other couple friends for a 3 day trip. This will be a much needed break from the real world.  I'm so excited!   Makenzie is excited too...She gets to spend the whole weekend with Grandma and Pop Pop!! 

The Mrs.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Here we go again with Jenni From The Blog's Your Three Words.....

This evening, the 3 of us, along with a group of our friends, are headed to Phillips Arena for the Hawks vs. 76ers game!

A good friend of mine works for Phillips and scored us access to their company suite to enjoy the game!

Now I will admit, I’m more of a football (GO FALCONS) fan and a bandwagon basketball fan, but I think can find some unused shouting power to help cheer the Hawks on tonight with my family and friends.

If any of you are familiar with the sporting teams here in Atlanta, you know that we haven’t had the best of luck, doing much of anything over the years.  I remember how excited Atlanta was and how “different” the vibe in the city was when the Falcons went to the Super Bowl back in 1998.  Well now the Falcons are 9-2 (shameless taunt…hehe) and the city is getting closer and closer to that same vibe we had way back when. 

Right now the Hawks are 12-7 and the 76ers are 5-13 so I’m predicting a win tonight!

This will be Makenzie’s first attendance to a sporting event so I am very excited!  I wish my camera was better but I’ll make it work and post pictures of us at the game.

Happy Friday guys!  We made it to the weekend!!!  Woooo Hoooo!!

The Mrs.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I suck....

...At taking pictures.

No wait, let me re-phrase that.

My Camera sucks. That's why I do not take as many pictures as I used to.

My beloved Cannon PowerShot was lost a few years back and my photography skills have never recovered. That was the BEST. CAMERA. EVER.

Now we have a GE something-or-other and I must say…it's performance is less than stellar. 

It's not worthy!

Now while we are not at a loss for pictures of us, the quality of the photos is well…embarrassing.

I want my HOME, & blog to be full of beautiful pictures of my family, friends and I but until I get a new "worthy" camera. I'm going on a digital camera strike.

Well not really but I wont be happy taking pictures anymore until we get a new camera, preferably a fancy smancy DSLR.

Anybody have one they wanna give me?

P.S. Thanksgiving Recap coming soon.

The Mrs.